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Funding the arts.

The Wright Family Performing Arts & Entertainment Center Foundation works to provide financial support for a wide range of projects in arts and cultural education and the performing arts.


We are dedicated to the development of all arts and artists in Strathroy-Caradoc. A significant donation from the estate of Dr. Mary Wright has been designated solely for the purposes of providing financial support to art programming as well as the development of individual artists. The Wright Family and the foundation recognize that an investment in art and artists is an investment in a strong community.

Student Sketching

For Individuals

Financial Aid Bursaries for Individuals aim to provide financial support for artists looking to hone their skills, access materials, lessons, instruments, travel, and entrance fees Learn more about Financial Aid Bursaries for Individuals to see if you are eligible. 

Music Class

For Groups

The legacy of the Wright Family lives on through the efforts of the Wright Family Performing Arts and Entertainment Centre Foundation, which makes funds available to the community to support performing arts and cultural initiatives.

Financial Aid Bursary for an Individual

​​The foundation awards a number of annual Financial Need bursaries to deserving artists each year. These bursaries range from $100 to $1000 and are dependent on a demonstration of financial need as well as proof of what the funding is used for. 

Applications are reviewed quarterly. Deadlines are:​

  • January 1

  • April 1

  • July 1

  • October 1



To be eligible for a Financial Aid Bursary for an Individual from the Wright Family Arts and Entertainment Centre Foundation you must:


1. Be a resident of the municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc


2. Be the parent or legal guardian of an individual under the age of 18 years or yourself be 18 years of age or older


3. Provide information about the circumstances of your financial need as well as the anticipated use of the funds


4. Agree to provide information about the use of the funds as requested by the foundation.

Individual Eligibility
Community Eligibility
Grant for Groups

Wright Family Performing Arts and Entertainment Centre Foundation has developed a Community Grant process to ensure that Dr. Mary Wright's vision of fostering the arts in the area is brought to life. The fund provides financial support for a wide range of projects in the performing arts (music, dance, theatre, etc.) and arts and cultural education.

Applications are reviewed quarterly. Deadlines are:​

  • January 1

  • April 1

  • July 1

  • October 1



To submit an application for a Community Grant, your organization must have a registered charitable number from the Canada Revenue Agency. Non-profit organizations can also apply, but they must establish a written agreement outlining their partnership with a Registered Charity, such as the Strathroy District Arts Council.


Please view the following written agreement template for reference:

Confirmation of Written Agreement Between a Registered Charity and Not-for-Profit Organization (PDF, 20kB)


Applications received from for-profit organizations will not be accepted. You may apply for only one Community Grant per calendar year. 




Each Community Grant request will be evaluated based on whether or not it meets the following objects of the Wright Family Performing Arts and Entertainment Centre Foundation:


  • To support performing arts in the community;

  • To educate and increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of the arts by providing performances of an artistic nature in public places, senior citizens homes, churches, community centres, and educational institutions, and also by providing seminars on topics relating to such performances;

  • To provide instructional seminars on topics related to the performing and visual arts;

  • To produce performing arts festivals for the purposes of educating and advancing the public’s understanding and appreciation of performing arts, and to educate artists through participation in such festivals and related workshops.​


If, after reading these guidelines, you have questions about your project, please contact us before submitting your application.



The Wright Family Performing Arts and Entertainment Centre Foundation reviews all grants based on their merit:

  • Registered charities are eligible for grants, other organizations may partner with registered charity when applying.

  • Organizations must demonstrate a strong and committed board, fiscal responsibility, and effective management.

  • Projects must primarily benefit the residents of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc and its neighbouring communities. For projects located outside the Municipality, applicants should demonstrate how the project will also benefit the people of Strathroy-Caradoc.

  • Grants are awarded for specific purposes and for projects covering a definite period of time, typically one year or less.

  • Pilot or demonstration projects must include provision for evaluation and a realistic plan for financial viability beyond the pilot stage.

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